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Chief Editor of Moneyfest.one, life strategist, versatile artist - writer, poet, photographer, designer, painter. For 15 years, I have been engaged in researching financial abundance, potential, happiness, health, and success, as well as studying spirituality and the journey through various life experiences. I seek answers to many questions concerning our very existence and the life in which I strive to understand the Creation in which we live. I continue to learn and improve in every aspect of my life. If I can help others in the process, I am fulfilled and happy. My goal is to publish only joyful, motivating texts full of hope from which love for you will radiate. I believe that together we can achieve all our desires and live our dreams with sufficient education, willpower, and motivation that each of us must find within ourselves. I believe that everyone in this world is the CREATOR of their life and that as individual beings, we are 100% responsible for everything that happens in our lives. What do I wish for you? I wish for you to achieve all your desires, live your dreams, and be happy, creative, and fulfilled.
47 Articles

Sceptics and Law of Attraction: Finding Proof!

Are you one of those folks who feel the need to figure…

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Foundations Of The Law Of Attraction

The Lord Buddha said “All that we are is the result of…

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What The Law Of Attraction Doesn’t Understand?

Have you ever wondered why sometimes we get something that we really…

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Let your colleagues at work adore you, here’s how!

Very easy, affirm. Before you write a few easy and unique affirmations…

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Law of Attraction – Increase Your Mind Power over Money

In order to fully master the law of attraction one must become…

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Soar as a Phoenix bird and ascend ABOVE ALL

The Myth of the Phoenix In Greek mythology, the phoenix is a…

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Thoughts Become Things

We are where we are, because of our thoughts in the past.…

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