We are MoneyFest, a specialized blog dedicated to exploring your potentials, happiness, health, and success. We are the chefs of a vibrant, joyful, and healthy life. Live your dreams.


Our goal is to inform and assist individuals in living a vibrant, happy, and healthy life full of opportunities. Anyone who wishes to achieve their full potential and desires can do so with our guidance. We aim to publish only content that is positive and motivational, brimming with hope and the love we wish to share with you. We want you to recognize our quality and trust that, with your support, we can continuously improve, as our ultimate goal is collective success in achieving all our aims.


MoneyFest.hr provides relevant information in clear language that prioritizes health, happiness, contentment, and fulfillment in people’s lives.

Through medical insights, expert opinions, real-life stories, and major news, we cover topics ranging from health, happiness, nutrition, and subjects that can help individuals lead fulfilled lives.

We believe that our content genuinely contributes to the health and happiness of consumers. Our texts are of high quality and easily understandable. They guide individuals on how to do the best for themselves and seek necessary protection and relevant information while avoiding negative or harmful content.

Distinctive, informative, and refreshing, MoneyFest.one’s informative and educational blog will always bring you the latest articles, opinions, and high-quality pieces you can trust.


We believe that together, we can achieve all our desires and live our dreams with enough education, determination, and motivation that each of us must find within ourselves.

We believe that each individual is the CREATOR of their own life and that as unique beings, we are 100% responsible for everything that happens in our lives.

We believe that everything can be created and manifested in an individual’s life, as there are no limitations or boundaries except those we set for ourselves.

We believe in the utopia of all living beings on this planet living in harmony, expressing themselves in various ways, and supporting the overall Creation.

We believe that everything, from the smallest to the unimaginable, is magnificent. We are grateful that we can experience the joy of coexisting with all that exists.


We believe in the evolution of humanity to reach its full capacity as “solar beings.” Light supports evolution, and its absence in our body hinders it. Light and consciousness are interconnected. Looking back to the past century, Rudolf Steiner, the founder of Waldorf Schools, Anthroposophical medicine, and biodynamic gardening, believed that by allowing external light to enter our system, we release an equal amount of our inner light. The more we increase our ability to absorb and assimilate light, the more conscious we become. As we change by increasing our absorption of light, we become more light ourselves.

47 Articles
Chief Editor of Moneyfest.one, life strategist, versatile artist - writer, poet, photographer, designer, painter. For 15 years, I have been engaged in researching financial abundance, potential, happiness, health, and success, as well as studying spirituality and the journey through various life experiences. I seek answers to many questions concerning our very existence and the life in which I strive to understand the Creation in which we live. I continue to learn and improve in every aspect of my life. If I can help others in the process, I am fulfilled and happy. My goal is to publish only joyful, motivating texts full of hope from which love for you will radiate. I believe that together we can achieve all our desires and live our dreams with sufficient education, willpower, and motivation that each of us must find within ourselves. I believe that everyone in this world is the CREATOR of their life and that as individual beings, we are 100% responsible for everything that happens in our lives. What do I wish for you? I wish for you to achieve all your desires, live your dreams, and be happy, creative, and fulfilled.
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Editor-in-Chief of the web blog MoneyFest.one

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IMPORTANT NOTICE: THIS IS AN INFORMATIONAL WEBSITE AND IS SOLELY FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES. MoneyFest does not have legal standing and therefore can only serve as an informative and educational resource. Thank you!

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